My name is Willard Duane Morgan but I have always used my middle name Duane. I was born here
in Saginaw Michigan in 1941 on September third and have lived here all my life except for four years that I was in the Air
Force. I was married in 1962 on St. Patrick's Day (smart move since I remember my anniversary) to Marianne Weaver. We have
three daughters, Cheryl, Katherine, and Sandra. We are great grandparents with four grandchildren and four great grand
children. I retired in June 2000 as an Automation Electrician with General Motors, here in Saginaw, with 36 years. Marianne
is a Registered Nurse and retired from St Mary's of Michigan in Janurary 2006. I have been an Amateur Radio Operator (ham)
since 1956 and my call is AA8N and Marianne also has an Advanced Class license and her call is KB8JK. After being inactive
since the late 1980's, I got a Kenwood TS-440S/AT in April 2006. In 2013 my station consists of an Icom IC-761 and a 3 element
SteppIR beam at 50 feet. I still have the TS-440/AT for a backup rig. I mostly chase DX but never pass up a chance
to rag chew.
