Shortly after we got Simba
We got Simba about a month after Blue, my first dane, was put down. We responded to an ad in the paper that said "Great
Dane puppies $200". In spite of the price (our first Dane was given to us) we went to see them and saw our first brindle
danes. There were a lot of puppies to choose from. They had two litters but we, with all of the knowledge we had at the
time, picked one that looked lively and had nice markings. Let me say at this point that this definitely is NOT the preferred
way to buy a puppy but we had no other information. As it turned out, Simba was a good quality dog and even though the only
pedigree we had was his sire and dam on the registration paper it appears that he came from a good line. The fact that he
lived 10 years with no major health problems bears this out.

We had his ears cropped soon after we got him and they healed very quickly and Simba didn't mind the whole thing at all.
In fact he seemed proud of the stays and tape on his ears and he would trot around like he was king which indeed he was.

Who can resist a puppy face

Simba loved to run at the nearby High School. The yard was fenced in and he had plenty of room to run.

This was Simba's last Christmas in 1996.

This was about the last day that he was allowed to get in my lap. He was growing very fast.

Simba grew up to be a handsome, noble, graceful, Great Dane

Simba loved to jump and would do so endlessly. He would do this when he was excited and did it throughout his life. There
was just no stopping him from doing it. He continued even when he became old and his legs could no longer support him and
he would fall into a sitting position but he still persisted.

This was when Simba was 10 years old and he was starting to fail and it can be seen how weak his rear was. Ten years is considered
to be a full life for a dane and few live much longer. It was due to the infirmities of age that the decision was made to
have him put down at the age of ten years and two months.