Geisha with Melanie at one year of age

Geisha has a very nice head.

Geisha looking very proud of herself having completed her show season of 2000 by attaining her championship and winning two
Best Of Breed awards.
We got Geisha at one year of age and Raven loved her from the beginning and needless to say, we did too. Melanie said "I
think we will do some winning with this one", and so we did. Geisha loves to show and all of her wins were Best Of Breed
or Best Of Opposite Sex. Judges either loved her or ignored her. No middle ground. We co-own Geisha with Melanie and this
is not unusual with a show quality dog. By co-owning her Melanie can show her in the Bred-By-Exhibitor class. This class
is for breeders to handle dogs of their breeding that they own. To finish a champion from this class is considered to add
a little extra prestige to the breeder for having "done it all". Geisha was always shown from the B.B.E. class
and Melanie is an expert handler.

Geisha was Best of Sweepstakes in her first show.

Her First Major- 3 points at Midland MI

These are Geisha's win ribbons for her championship